REINVENTION, Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption

BOOK REVIEW by Adil Ahmad (Correspondent, TCS CONNECT & OCTARA Corporate Magazines)

Co-authored by Shane Cragun & Kate Sweetman, Reinvention addresses the pace of accelerating change in the modern day world, and how to best cope, indeed profit from it at both the individual and organizational levels. The future belongs to the brave is an age old adage, and the brave is invariably the one who is prepared.

Amongst the formidable array of rave reviews from the world’s thought leaders, the one that best sums it up in my opinion is by Stephen M. R. Covey, the New York Times best-selling author of ‘The Speed of Trust’ and co-author of ‘Smart Trust.’ He says “Reinvention is a terrific book that gives readers a complete picture of all of the elements needed for quantum change to happen and to stick. I specially appreciate the author’s clear demonstration of how leadership is a force multiplier to every other element in their reinvention formula – at both the personal and organizational level. This contribution alone distinguishes it from other books on change. Filled with both insight and application, this engaging book delivers useful models and examples that are extremely relevant for our times. Well done!”

It’s a weighty tome full of absorbing case studies and the quantum of derived wisdom makes for a veritable feast. Having been a bit of a martial arts student myself in the field of Taekwondo, the co-authors Judo metaphor, when describing the best way to handle large scale change, struck a particular chord with me.
Judo is the only martial arts form that is defensive in its attack; write the co-authors Shane and Kate. “The premise of Judo is to use the force of the attacker to your advantage.” Judo originated in 1880 when its founder, Jigoro Kano, was motivated to stop bullying in local schools amongst students. He knew Jujitsu, but wanted something more effective where a smaller force could defeat a larger force. 

Central to Kano’s vision for judo was the principle of “seiryoku zen’yo”, translated as “maximum efficiency, minimum effort”. He stressed many principles of his new martial art, but nothing as powerful as this: “Resisting a more powerful opponent will result in your defeat, while adjusting to and evading your opponent’s attack will cause him to lose his balance, his power will be reduced, and you will defeat him. This makes it possible for weaker opponents to beat significantly stronger ones.”

Reinvention Judo Champions leverage incoming global shockwaves to their benefit. Their willingness and ability to proactively confront major disruption enables them to not only survive but also thrive and accelerate results. This leads to competitive advantages and widened economic moats that are intangible in nature and difficult for competitors to copy.

Shane and Kate have provided so much food for thought in their book, and it is of such potency that the case for a warning sign could well be made. But it’s a benign sort of potency, a survival kit to weather the many storms brewing, and not just on the horizon. To get ship-shape and inculcate the kind of forecasting ability and mental and physical agility that will ensure a place well ahead of the curve on an ongoing basis.
The book is rich in case studies, each a priceless pearl in its own right, each qualifying as my personal favorite! To savor these one will just have to buy the book. Let me end this review on the Cragun-Sweetman Reinvention Formula which advocates that five crucial elements be addressed and mastered for quantum and effective change to happen. These elements are Dissatisfaction, Focus, Alignment, Execution, and Leadership. With Leadership acting as the Force Multiplier, these five elements must combine to create an outcome that is greater than the Cost of Change, the greater the better. Hence Reinvention (R) = {Dissatisfaction (F) X Focus (F) X Alignment (A) X Execution (E)} > Cost of Change (C). Go figure!

About the authors
Shane is a recognized expert in designing highly effective organizations to achieve remarkable results. His passions for strategy, culture, leadership, employee engagement, and organizational change and high performance have made him a sought after authority and coach for progressive organizations. Many of Shane’s client undertakings have won post-project awards for improved performance, such as the JD Power & Associates and Computerworld Smithsonian Awards. He co-authored the innovative business book The Employee Engagement Mindset.      
Kate provides a uniquely valuable international perspective on Leadership and Organizations, having an extensive history researching, facilitating, advising, and publishing on multiple aspects of client work around the globe. Her first-hand experience with world leaders, Fortune 100 organizations, and Asian multi-nationals provides a substantial foundation for insights that extend beyond borders. Kate was listed as a Thinkers50 for her body of work throughout her career. She co-authored the best selling business book The Leadership Code.   


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